Smart Irrigation Contractors

Dear Homeowners,
Water management is the single biggest issue our industry faces, and it's here to stay. Every irrigation professional has heard about the increasing importance of water management and, even though the situation affects everyone differently, it impacts each of us — period. This is why American Sprinkler is being proactive in its efforts to educate its clients. These efforts, along with our proven products, will not only conserve a valuable resource, but drastically reduce the costs of operating a standard irrigation system by 30 percent.

Smart Irrigation Systems

Water is essential to the survival of every living thing on the planet. As our population increases and climate change impacts water availability, local, state and federal regulatory efforts will certainly intensify. Predictably, public priorities for water use will continue to favor drinking supply, food production, manufacturing and emergency services over the maintenance of healthy, attractive, outdoor landscapes. As a result, the need for efficient irrigation design, installation and maintenance practices are greater than ever before.
Smart Irrigation — House with Lawn in Livonia, MI
American Sprinkler is shaping the industry with products from various manufacturers that address critical water management and scarcity issues faced by much of the world. From controllers, sensors and various nozzle selections, our products work together to provide precise, efficient and practical irrigation solutions.
Remember, a properly designed, installed and maintained irrigation system is critical to saving water!
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